NHSDA Points System Sheet 1, click the button to view/download

NHSDA Point System Tracking Summary Sheet 1, click the button to view/download

NHSDA elevation pledge form, click the button to view/download

Elevation Dance Studio is now a Chapter in the National Honor Society for Dance Arts.

This is an important way that we can assist our students in grades 9-12 in gaining recognition for their outstanding artistic merit, leadership and academic achievement in the field of dance. Application forms can be downloaded online, along with details as to how you can earn points towards your induction into the NHSDA.

Student Benefits

  • Recognition of their artistic merit, academic achievement, and leadership throughout their educational experience (Junior High – Collegiate).
  • Certificates at each level of induction, opportunity to wear the gold Honor Pin and blue and white Honor Cord.
  • Mentorship from Chapter Sponsor and networking with peers leadership and development opportunities within their NHSDA Chapter.

Please contact renee@elevationdancestudio.com for more info