Winter 2020 Classes by Grade

All Winter 2020 classes are listed below.

View Classes by Genres.

Winter 2020 Schedule in PDF

View Winter 2020 class

Classes by GRADE .

Preschool Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

Kindergarten Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

1st Grade Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

1st / 2nd Grade Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

2nd Grade Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

3rd Grade Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

3rd / 4th Grade Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

4th / 5th Grade Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

5th / 6th Grade Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

6th Grade Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

Teen Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

Boys Only Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

Specialty Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

Level 7 Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.
Must get approval to enroll in Level 7 classes.

Level 8 Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.
Must get approval to enroll in Level 8 classes.