Registration Form

Click here for the registration Form

  • Registration Opens for dancers entering into preschool, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3 and grade 4 on May 15th.
  • Registration opens for dancers approved for levels 5 and up the first week in June.
    • 1st month’s tuition is due August 15th
    • Classes begin September 3rd

Preschool Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

Kindergarten Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

1st / 2nd Grade Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

3rd / 4th Grade Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

Level 5/6 Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

Intermediate Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.

Advance Classes

Click “Register” or “Waitlist” on the left to take you to the class to register.